

Life is not asking. Life is moving on. 

If you are strong enough you follow. If not, you are left behind. 

Life is going to pass through you and a memory of you might stay alive for some time and then fade out too.

Now you might think that I am depressed to say all that or in some catastrophic mood.

No, I am not.

Zion Park, Utah USA

I just recently found out that if you are healthy and strong people face you differently than when you are sick. I am really sorry for this founding. I hope I am wrong.

What I saw was the sad face and their condolences on their hand and that’s all. You have to find how to dial with your sickness.

Rain drop on a glass, Zion Park, Utah USA

Fortunately for myself I am blessed to have a second chance and things might be better next time. So now I am back to the other side and life is not passing me by.

I am chasing life and racing to go along.

If I learn one thing from all that story, it is that you should not worry about anything at all in your life.

Stress can kill you.

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