Happy or not, is your choice

Happy or not, is your choice

I was listening to the radio on my way to Ellie’s school today like everyday and we were singing or I was singing. Then the radio producer stopped a song and said that “ I took a look at the news today and see if there is something to share with you. I felt sad. The news is tragic. Terrifying to think that these things are happening for real and not at some move. Is it real or we are part of some joke and later today somebody will laugh and say that everything was part of a joke?” 

He is so true. I am glad that he decided to share nothing of the tragic news. I am one of the people that I have chosen not to give in to my curiosity and check the news. I have blogged people in my social accounts that reproduce the terrifying news, cruel news or pictures of animals or people. 

Yes, I am curious too. Yes I want to know, but I am not going to live happily if I have these pictures in my mind. I refuse to get used to the idea that this planet is a bad place to live and raise your children. 

I choose to be romantic and believe that beautiful things are happening all the time out there. 

People are nice to each other. People save animals, treating them nicely.  Growing flowers on their balconies, baking their bread and dancing altogether. 

And yes these things are happening but nobody is interested it seems. I don’t know why? Isn’t this planet a nice place to live? Or maybe if we compare our unhappy lives to something worse we will feel better? Why not try to be happy without comparing yourself with others? Let’s try to see what makes us happy and do it.

If you are considering now if bad things are going to happen if you choose to stop paying attention to them, my answer is yes. Yes bad things are going to continue happening like good things but your focal point is going to be different, so do you.

From today and now on I am going to try harder to be happy. I choose happiness. This is what I want to teach my daughter. I have to do it first. I am going to be happy.

Your Greek friend,


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